Thursday, June 19, 2014

I got a number of powerpoints that I found helpful to some Finance Students stored in my PC but I wasn't able to post them here due to my lack of knowledge with the process. *sigh*

Voicing something that I can't actually do on Facebook.

Senior. You read it right, that's my status for this year...
and I don't know if I'm still even lost.

The pressure of not graduating on time is eating up my being... everybody said that it's the nature of being a working student... and I sort of agree and disagree at the same time...
Spending 6 years in college is never listed in my planner yet, here I am...with no choice left to pick but to go with what is there to come. pffffffft, so eefffin hate this feeling, when I really want to anticipate the fact that I needed to help my parents as soon as possible, to repay them with all the expenses spent on me..
tho I may not achieve the "thing" that my batchmates can obtain this year.. all I can do for now is to be an optimistic person, taking into account the 2 more years that I needed to undergo in reaching graduation...,I'll just then do good on my studies, aiming to become a cum laude is what motivates me the most during this time. 

AND ALSO.... I thank my father for being an open-minded person recently. hahaha. 
I find it really weird in the first place when he never reacted that I brought with me my "ex boyfriend''
YAAAY! :D IT'S ACTUALLY SUCH A  RELIEF, knowing that you can freely invite him in your house to spend your past time together anytime you want (excluding those very late in the evening of course)
Yet! my expectation of the two of us being together like "lovers" is not yet sure, I just have to turn my sleuth senses on first before jumping to conclusions...Even if he already told me the reason that it's for our common good.. I can sense that something is wrong with the way of how he doesn't want us to be officially...uhm lovers. 

anyway, I just want to voice out what I currently feel right now :) posting on fb and being so melodramatic or too sentimental is always a bait for society's talks. 

our first time to go on a date with my father's permission :D looking at the counter and  was wondering as to why our order took so long to be served.

during our english 41's final project taping :)